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Candida is an overgrowth or imbalance of the flora of the intestine including yeast, mold and fungus. Many people who suffer from Candida have a difficult time reducing the sugars that feed those yeasts. Since acupuncture works on the principle of balance, it can help to rebalance your blood sugars. Balancing these blood sugars can reduce the cravings for sweets. And reducing the sugars that feed the yeast is the first step in balancing the body. In addition, Chinese herbs can also help reduce these cravings. Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine can also help with the stress and symptoms associated with the die-off process, which is the main reason why rebalancing the body's pH is so difficult.

Acupuncture is Powerful Medicine

The World Health Organization has published a list of over fifty diseases successfully treated with acupuncture. Included on the list are allergies, sinusitis, asthma, weight control and the common cold.

Acupuncture is powerful medicine that aids in strengthening the immune system and serves to prevent diseases and increase both the ability to function and improve the quality of people's lives.

Acupuncture is highly effective not only as a preventative medicine, but as a drug free treatment of signs and symptoms. Studies indicate that acupuncture influences the central and peripheral nervous system.

Among a host of factors, acupuncture affects sugar, cholesterol, and triglyceride levels in the blood, the functioning of the gastrointestinal system and the activity of the endocrine system.

Acupuncture works with the body, strengthening and balancing energy. It improves circulation and allows the body to heal itself more quickly and more completely.

Acupuncture is a well-developed whole health care system based on natural energetic laws. Dating back to over 3,000 years as a primary health care system in China, acupuncture is widespread in Asia, Europe, and now the U.S.

Whole Health Center's providers have treated many individuals. Most of our patients feel better, lose weight and reduce many of their symptoms. Due to poor diet and widespread usage of antibiotics, many people suffer from asthma, allergies, and other maladies causing them to have an imbalance in yeast and candidiasis. We have designed an eight-week plan including a diet to work in conjunction with acupuncture to get better results, prolong life and promote a healthy lifestyle.

Candida Yeast Control

Candida (albicans) is one of the many different types of yeasts. Yeast cells are able to grow on the surface of all living things and occur virtually everywhere. The fact is, we breathe, eat, and drink them daily. Because they are part of our daily lives, we all have yeast growing in our skin, other body surfaces, and in our intestines. Normally our bodies' defense systems keep the total number of yeast cells under control and so, Candida colonies in our intestinal tract are nothing to worry about. However, poor nutrition or a sluggish or impaired immune system weakens the body's ability to fight off yeast. Stress and environmental pollutants can also play a role in reducing the body's control over Candida. When this happens, yeast colonies grow rapidly and Candida may result.

There are over 900 species of yeast. Candida albicans is a major one found in the human body. In some ways it is very much like the yeast used in breads. Scientists are not sure why yeasts are in our bodies or what their exact function is. The only thing for sure that we know, is that they help decompose and recycle our bodies when we die. If they multiply too rapidly in our bodies, they begin their job prematurely.

A number of conditions can lead to Candidiasis. Steroid drugs (such as cortisone), birth control pills, and the long- term use of antibiotics, such as those used to control acne or various bacterial infection, can invite the problem. Such antibiotics can reduce the number of beneficial bacteria that normally help to keep the yeast under control.

Poor nutrition or a sluggish or impaired immune system weakens the body's ability to fight off yeast. Stress and environmental pollutants can also play a role in reducing the body's control over Candida. When this happens, the yeast colonies grow rapidly and Candida may result.

When yeast is in an overabundance, there may be local yeast infections in the mouth (thrush), gastrointestinal tract (gas), vagina (yeast infection), urinary tract (bladder/kidney infection), prostrate gland (prostrate troubles), skin (hives, rashes), fingernail, or toenail (fungus of the nail bed).

Too much yeast can cripple the immune system, causing chronic viral and bacterial infection or allergies. Yeast can damage the intestinal wall allowing food particles and toxins to enter the blood stream. The body then produces antibodies to fight these foreign substances and typical "allergic" reactions like eczema and hay fever, along with headache, dizziness, heart palpitations, anxiety, fatigue, and muscle aches.

There may be changes in the cells. Yeast by-products or exhaust are two very toxic substances: ethanol and acetaldehyde. These two toxins in turn alter the ability of our cells in the following ways:

Red blood cells have difficulty passing into small capillaries. This can cause fatigue, dizziness, muscle aches, or headaches.

White blood cells have trouble enveloping bacteria and foreign material, thus, the body has trouble fighting infection.

Sugar has difficulty passing through cells. Insulin cannot do its job properly, causing low blood sugar and often weight gain.

Thyroid hormones have trouble passing through cells so metabolism slows down, often causing low body temperature {cold hands and feet), fatigue and intolerance to cold.

Minerals have trouble passing through cell walls causing fluid retention, and electrolyte imbalance.

Messages passed from one cell to another have difficulty. This can cause muscle and nerve problems.

Enzymes are destroyed. Enzymes are the chemical helpers in the body that help build, break down, and produce energy and heat. Yeast toxins can inactivate or destroy some of the enzymes, and can result in the slow down of all the functions of the body. Example: enzymes help break down sugar stores to help the blood sugar at ideal levels; when yeast overgrowth destroys enzymes abnormally high or low blood sugar levels may develop.

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